
The Big Stik is a high-tech lunker-killer that walks, pops, spits and catches just about anything that swims. It’s a rear-weighted bait making it easier to cast and enabling it to sit in a position that as soon as you start your retrieve, it starts to walk and pitch water a foot and a half to three feet in front of the bait. 

The Big Stik features wire through construction, heavier split rings and quality VMC hooks so it will stand up to trophy fish. It is deadly for bass, musky, pike, stripers and many saltwater species.

The Big Stik is available in fish-catching colors tailored to specific situations. For the freshwater angler, there are trout colors for the California lunker hunters, shad and her ring colors that are deadly in places like the Carolinas, where the blue back herring spawn is a way of life. There are also colors designed for peacock bass and saltwater species


  • Length: 178 mm, 7in
  • Weight: 50g, 1.75 ounces.
  • Type: Floating
  • Hooks: VMC #1/0

Silent Big Stik

  • Length: 178 mm, 7in
  • Weight: 50g, 1.75 ounces.
  • Type: Pencil Surfece Popper
  • Hooks: VMC #1 / 04X

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Ima Big Stik

Ima Big Stik Silent


The lure has dual sound chambers that allow it to be popped subtly or worked faster to make it “the loudest plug you’ve ever heard.” It’ll spit like a magnum popper, walk like the hardest-sashaying walking bait, and anglers needn’t be experts to make it do its thing.

Recommended Line and Gear

Long casts are essential for many topwater fishing situations, especially when targeting schooling fish. 50 to 65-pound braided line or 20 to 25-poundmonofilament line is necessary for casting distance, best action, and handling large topwaters like the Big Stik.

A 7-foot or longer, medium heavy or heavy power casting rod will have the right action for working the bait and landing more of what bites. A graphite or composite rod is ideal for fishing topwater lures.



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Ghost Blue Back




Red Head




Real Ghost Shad

ima Silent Big Stik





